Thursday, January 31, 2008

"Nana" Ain't Flyin' so Far

We've tried to convert Carter to "Nana" today and it's been a bit of a struggle. Papa was playing with him in his room and said, "Go get Nana!" and Carter said, "Yeah, I go get banana" So the rest of the morning Carter called her "Banana". It's been rough for the rest of us to try and remember as well. That's half the battle.
Anyway, my opinion is that we can still do it. Mom says she thinks it's a cute idea but doesn't care enough about it. So as I write about it we are deciding to give it up. Now Carter is thoroughly confused.

1 comment:

Blogger said...

My girls have called Mom 'Grandma' for way too long now to convert to anything different. They would look at me like I was crazy if I told them they needed to call her 'Nana'.