Thursday, August 30, 2007

I finally made on entry!

I guess I finally may have figured out how to make and entry! Hope everyone is doing well. Congrats Hay and a possible new modeling career. It's a good feeling to know I won't have to work anymore because you'll have plenty of money to spare for your bro!

Everything is going well here in Utah. Summer is almost over but FALL is a great time of the year.

This was a photo Velvet had taken the other day. Samantha is almost 4 years old. These kids a sure cute and fun and a total joy!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Log Man

Well, we are home at last. It was a pretty traumatic couple of days for our little family. Logan is doing surprisingly well for all which he has been through. The next couple of weeks should be very interesting. We are trying to round up a wagon and a bean bag to make life a little less stressful. All in all things are well. Thanks so much for ya’lls thoughts and prayers in our behalf; they have been very well received. We love you!